This is a post my friend Simon Apathy published on Indymedia in June of 2003. Mark Seely, Mark V. Chaney, Fungible Conspiracy Theories, and Identity Theft (english) The Reverend Simon Apathy 3:26pm Wed Jun 18 '03 Robert Anton Wilson discussed how most conspiracy theorists, as their theories begin to age, increase in "fungibility" - the use of blanket statements (ie "The Jews have all the money", "The Gays are all after our children", etc.). Once a conspiracy theory reaches that Manichean extreme, any negative proof will actually REINFORCE the theory rather than disprove it to the mind of the paranoid, because it's all "lies told by the enemy to hold us down...", ad nausaeum. With enough "creative" (adjective of questionable appropriatness) thought, anything that befalls our fledgeling theorist can be chalked up to a PLOT BY THOSE WHO RUN THE WORLD, or whatever... In tribal societies, when a magician put a curse on you, they not only told you that they did it, but would tell you the name of the evil spirit that haunted you...stubbed your toe? It was Pazuzu...your house caught on fire? It was Pazuzu...your wife cheated on you? It was Pazuzu, on and on until you were seeing evil spirits in every bite of food and with every step you took. Some of the older internet veterans may remember a flamer of Usenet who used the name Mark V. Chaney. He would jump in on long posts, with lots of replies, and would leave posts that, while they (sort of) fit with the train of replies, somehow did not make a lick of sense. Eventually they found out that Mark F. Chaney was a bot, with an algorithm based off of Markov Chains (a probability model that I have no room to explain). Basically he was like an electronic William Burroughs, devouring text messages, and spitting out cut-up interpretations along a similar theme, always nonsensical, but often hilarious (for those of us with a Carrolian sense of humor). Now here's the part where I get to the point: (actually a couple of points) We have this cat here Mark Seely that posts these bizarre gematrian rants. This in itself is harmless, and I even welcome it to this site. The movie "2001: A Space Oddyssey" predicted the bombing of the Twin Towers and the Pope was in on it? You can't find anything that funny in The Onion. I happen to be familiar and quite fond of the Absurdist movement, and Mr. Seely will probably be dismayed to know that have taken a lot of his rants to use in my own computer generated text experiments, with very entertaining results. His numerology based rants are a welcome break from the serious anarcho-leftist posts I spend most of my time perusing, and add color to the site. But, sadly, our friend Seely is not content to be our private Pere Ubu. Our first problem is the extreme racism of the posts; but that, on a cursory glance, can be chalked up to the growing fungibility or our friend's increasingly suffocating glimpse of reality. And some of it, when it grows extreme to the point of being absurd, is such a parody of itself that I really don't see how anyone could take it seriously enough to concern themselves with it. But, as it does not define itself as a satire, it is definitely unnecessary to this site, and definitely deserves the accusation of being some sort of counter-intelligence to the site; remember what happened to the Athens Indymedia site (for those that don't remember, several Seelyites bombarded it with racist posts, then tipped off several search engines that it was a racist site, causing it to be banned and a whole host of problems it continues to have). And as far as the cat who posts Seely's address and phone number every time he makes a racist comment, good for you, just make sure you're accurate. The second problem, which shouldn't be a problem at all, is our friend's habit of repeated posts. THERE IS A VERY DEFINITE INDYMEDIA POLICY AGAINST REPEATED POSTS! Why doesn't anyone report him, if it's such a big deal? Now a previous poster mentioned the problem of identity theft. That is, and always will be a problem, but I would rather keep my (relative) anonymity than have to deal with any more regulation on my internet time. But then again, I have a very definite identity. You can find me easily if you know where to look. I have 2 websites, I've been publishing 'zines and comics for over 6 years now, and I have a band with the same name. People can tell a real Apathy post from a fake one. I'm not worried about people finding out who I am. I just don't need any more ad-spamming, which ALWAYS happens every time I post my email address anywhere. THE ANONYMITY IS THE ADVANTAGE. Hakim Bey discusses the anarchist concept of "temporary autonomous zones". The people are so repressed they don't even understand that they should want freedom, so all we can hope for at this juncture, until the intellectual evolution of mankind, is these temporary, fleeting spaces where we can be free, to say what we want and do what we want. And of course there are those who will abuse it, but we can't allow that to force us to give up our space, because who knows how long til another one pops up, and will we be able to find it when it does?